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The student magazine at  Graded School

The Talon

The student magazine at  Graded School

The Talon

The student magazine at  Graded School

The Talon

Sara Cabral

Sara Cabral, Features Writer

Sara admires the expression of words. As this is Sara’s first year being a writer in the Talon, she is still trying to figure out what exactly “Features” mean. On the other hand, something she does know is her passion for describing adventurous stories. She loves to travel, and afterwards share her stories through photos or words. She even collects postcards from the different places she has visited. She admires the art of expressing one’s ideas, and this is why she spends time reading fictional books, such as All the bright places by Jennifer Niven, or watching all of the 10 seasons of FRIENDS for the 4th time. She likes to be involved in social media, which is why the dynamic The Talon has with it, as well as with literature, is something that has captured Sara’s attention. She thinks that a way she can open up to different readers and get inspired by others is by expressing herself. After all, she has enjoyed writing since she was in elementary school. With the inspiration she has, Sara hopes the right words will speak her mind.

All content by Sara Cabral