Lucas Valim, Entertainment Reporter
Lucas Valim sexually identifies as an Entertainment writer, he also knows when to stop a metaphor before it goes too far. After Hobbes-ing his way up The Talon corporate leader, after dallying about as a measly Blogger larva during his first year he has grown into a mighty Entertainment hawk moth. While a mediocre biographer, Lucas likes to think he’s pretty good at writing about things like films and especially video games (viewing himself as quite the ludologist), and like an elf with high dex he tends to be very critical of these things. His hobbies include writing McCarthy-esque fiction, meditating, jogging and overseeing a cult devoted to our lovingly cruel overlord, mighty Cthulhu, may the Old Ones bless His squid-ly form. Lucas Valim currently resides in his own personal hell, where he plays bridge with Virgil and Dante every Thursday evening.