Mexico’s New Era of Politics
On July 1st of this year, general elections were held in Mexico. On that day, with exactly 63.43% of the votes, Andrés Manuel López Obrador was elected President. Having prior experience in politics, he is now expected to serve a term of over 5 years. Considering that he has already been a relevant politician for over two decades, López should have little difficulty in completing this task. However, little over two months after the elections, the politician is already a controversial figure plastered all over news headlines. With his distinct leftist point of view, it is difficult to avoid the concerns arising from the Mexican people and other allied nations.
Specifically, López’s intentions to end Mexico’s drug war has been criticized by multiple sources. The Mexican government has been involved in an armed conflict against drug traffickers since 2006. This ongoing rivalry doesn’t only impact Mexico, but other countries such as the United States. The drug cartels involved in this conflict are responsible for over 90% of the cocaine entering the USA. During his victory speech, the politician mentioned ideas regarding the topic, like vowing to change the “failed strategies” used by those before him (The Guardian). Sending Mexican Marines has only seemed to make the situation more dangerous, encouraging the cartels to be more aggressive and fight back. The President claims he will “address the root causes of crime and violence” (Vox). In addition, he intends to work on Mexico’s economy and has promised citizens that he will not be raising the national debt. The new president has made an effort and reached out to those who believe he is a villain in disguise. This effort is directed at his usual opponents: private sector businesses. Overall, he wants Mexicans to embrace their culture again and make them believe that together they can overcome their difficult situation – especially regarding previous corruption scandals. Although his objectives sound quite appealing, Mexican citizens know he will face multiple obstacles. Evidently, López tends to make various promises, but as with every new politician, no one truly knows whether he will live up to his word. All there is to do is hope that López Obrador will develop a new and improved Mexico.
In order to further explore the ramifications of the newly-elected President, The Talon decided to focus on the perspective of a Mexican who more fully comprehends the country’s situation. Mexican Graded student, Marcelo De La Maza, in order to gain an insider’s opinion on the topic:
The Talon: What are your first impressions of the new Mexican president?
De La Maza: First of all, when my family saw the news that Andrés Manuel López Obrador had won the elections, we were not very happy about the results. Since López Obrador talks a lot about developing leftist ideas, it didn’t seem like many benefits – specifically for my family – would come from his presidency. His main ideas contrasted with the visions we have in mind. However, after listening to his speech (which was given right after the announcement of his victory), my image of him improved. López definitely said what the people wanted to hear: Mexico will be stable again and the chaos will come to an end.
The Talon: What positive traits does the new President have?
De La Maza: In my perspective, López is a determined individual. He has been trying to become president for a while now and this certainly can be seen as a positive trait. I really hope he uses his victory in an effective and favorable way.
The Talon: What about negative traits?
De La Maza: He shares similar traits to Trump: he says what people want to hear, but doesn’t expand on how he is actually going to deliver.
The Talon: How does he compare to the prior incumbent?
De La Maza: The prior president was a severely disliked figure. López says he will not be corrupt and I truly hope he keeps his word. The only thing I can do at this point is hope for the best.
The Talon: What do you hope will change with Mexico’s new leader?
De La Maza: Overall, I hope he works on various issues that require a lot of attention. All the other presidents and politicians have been trying to do this because Mexico is in a bad position. Whatever López does, I hope he does it right.
To conclude, López has certainly impressed the public with his new ideas. Whether this is regarding Mexico’s drug war or the country’s unity, he has caught the attention of multiple individuals. With a new leader in place, Mexicans are hoping that the nation’s economy will flourish and that López will keep all of his campaign promises.
Sources: Business Insider, NYTimes, Collegiate Times, CNN, Vox, The Guardian

To begin with, Laura is obsessed with Graded – like literally to the point in which her senior hoodie name is "Laura Eagle". This will be her tenth year...