Netflix: A weekend guide

One of the (many) problems my brain has is that the phrase, “four-day weekend” translates to “four-day Netflix marathon.” Sadly, the responsibilities and assignments that are impossible to escape as an International Baccalaureate Diploma candidate kept me from fully pursuing this dream. But this doesn’t mean others can’t enjoy this ephemeral fantasy. So below are five television shows currently found on Netflix that I strongly recommend for both procrastination and an all-around good time as you savour these few extra days of freedom.


1. Daredevil

Have you ever seen Arrow? Daredevil is like that, but way cooler. (Sorry Stephen Amell, but times are a-changing). Unlike its 2003 film counterpart, the show is gripping and well-designed. The hero of the story is Matt Murdock, attorney by day but vigilante by night. Blinded in a childhood accident, Matt, or rather, Daredevil, sees the world on fire through his heightened senses and uses these abilities as well as a truly sick yet refreshingly realistic fighting style to take down the bad guys of Hell’s Kitchen. Not to mention, as the main character is blind, they’ve made the show accessible to the blind. In its thirteen episodes of pure awesomeness, this show has an amazing performance by Charlie Cox (who has considerably levelled up since his role in Stardust), stunning cinematography, a surprisingly vulnerable villain, and action-packed scenes. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that underneath the serious lawyer suits, Matt Murdock’s training has been clearly paying off.


2. Bob’s Burgers

Yes, it’s true, cartoons are not only meant for kids anymore. While cartoons for adults have been around for a while, shows that weren’t originally aimed towards adults like Adventure Time and Gravity Falls have increasingly gained popularity with older audiences mainly because they managed to find that sweet spot of humor, adventure, and drama that actually bridges generations. Bob’s Burgers is one of the few shows that has unearthed this blend. To quote Entertainment staff editor, Michael Borger: “Bob’s Burgers [follows] a family of five and their escapades as they deal with their lives while running a burger shop. From Louise’s well-timed cravings for destruction, failure, and implicitly, the apocalypse to Tina’s obsession for boys, butts, or both combined with Linda’s not-at-all catchy ‘Broadway’ songs,’ Bob’s Burgers is the way to go if you want to just have a good time (read the rest of Michael’s article here).


3. Friends

All ten seasons of Friends are on Netflix. I repeat: all ten seasons of Friends on Netflix. If you’re super shallow like me, you can even just skip all the Rachel and Ross nonsense and get right to the good stuff, Monica and Chandler’s sneaking around. But again, you’ve got all ten seasons at your disposal. Need I say more?


4. House of Cards

Ask anyone at Graded about House of Cards and they’ll either shrug and say it’s not for them or grab you by the shoulders and praise it as the greatest show ever written and produced.

Add in some excited flapping and that’s a pretty accurate picture of most Graded people’s enthusiasm. But in all seriousness, House of Cards is probably one of the most thrilling political drama shows out there and best of all, it improves as the seasons progress. Francis Underwood, played by the brilliant Kevin Spacey, is a ruthless politician in Washington D.C. who is determined to get to the top, albeit being on top is less about modeling contracts with NEXT Model Management and more about becoming President of the United States. Alongside his wife, he schemes, manipulates, and participates in some highly illegal activities, all while narrating his life to the audience through breaking the fourth wall. The dry humour and superb writing make House of Cards a must-watch.


5. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

When Tina Fey produces a TV show, you must watch it. That’s just the way it is. Her latest project centers around Kimmy Schmidt, who, after being kidnapped and brainwashed into thinking there was an apocalypse, emerges from the bunker she was kept in for fifteen years. She decides to live in the bright, noisy, and frightfully modern New York City. While the premise is frankly disturbing when dwelled upon, the show is delightfully light-hearted and optimistic with an almost overwhelmingly positive Kimmy parading up and down the streets of the Big Apple, encountering everything from Velcro to social media, alongside her roommate, Titus, an aspiring actor who dreams of being on Broadway but works as a street-costume version of Iron Man in Times Square. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is no 30 Rock, but it does have a certain candor to it that will make you keep watching until it’s two a.m., and you can’t stop humming Pinot Noir or the show’s theme song. Either way, you won’t be able to get rid of it for days to come.