Facebook is the Internet
The Internet has become such an intrinsic part of our daily lives that we tend to forget that it’s a luxury that many can’t even think to afford. As a matter of fact, approximately five billion people have no access to the Internet, though in today’s world Internet access is starting to be viewed as a basic right. Facebook has been very vocal about this cause and even put forward possible methods to connect more people to the Internet. Ironically enough, though, to many people Facebook is the Internet.
In two recent studies conducted in Indonesia and Nigeria, participants were asked if they used the Internet and if they used Facebook. In the surveys, 11% of Indonesians and 9% of Nigerians responded by saying they used Facebook but not the Internet. To them the Internet was a separate entity—they didn’t even consider the fact that Facebook is simply a piece of the Internet. While the Internet is not available as a whole to many people, Facebook is. With foreign companies offering special data packages that only cover Facebook and the development of Facebook Zero which allows access to the site at absolutely no cost from certain places, more and more people are relying on Facebook exclusively as their “Internet.”

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