Prepare to be Austenished by Pride & Prejudice
Ohhhh Mr. Bennet, I have the most wonderful thing to tell you! Graded’s High School production of Pride and Prejudice is an absolute delight. If you are not yet acquainted, Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen that since its publishing in the early 19th century has been held in the highest regard and is often considered a one of the greatest works in English literature. The novel follows Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of romance and family.
The production, based on a script adaptation by Joseph Hanreddy and J. R. Sullivan, does not fail to beautifully portray the themes of the novel and to paint a marvelous picture of England during the Regency. The cast, composed of both students and teachers, brings talent and dedication in bringing this classic story to life with all the class, wit and popped collars you could possibly want.
In case you missed Thursday’s show there will be performances today, Friday the 14th, and tomorrow, Saturday the 15th, at 15:30 and 19:30 at the Black Box theater. The entrance fee is R$ 8 for students R$ 10 for parents and other visitors.

Lucas Valim sexually identifies as an Entertainment writer, he also knows when to stop a metaphor before it goes too far. After Hobbes-ing his way up The...