Halloween Benefit Bash!
Don’t forget that tonight, Friday, Graded will be hosting the Halloween Benefit Bash, from 3 p.m – 6 p.m. All students and parents are invited to come and have themselves some spooky fun at the Student Center and Covered Court. Check out the Tunnel of Terror and a live magic show! The entrance fee is R$ 25 in advance or R$ 30 at the door, children under five enter free. All the proceeds from the event will go towards funding Graded’s various community service clubs and activities.

Lucas Valim sexually identifies as an Entertainment writer, he also knows when to stop a metaphor before it goes too far. After Hobbes-ing his way up The...

Gabriel Civita is the Image Master for The Talon after being the photographer last year. Basically, he’s still a photographer, but with a fancier title....