Gabriel Civita

Tamima Mourad, Grade 11

You’re the head cheerleader, right?

Yeah, I am.

What’s the best thing about being the leader?

We had a tough beginning. Our three coaches left, so the girls had to pick a captain, and they picked me. I was really happy because I love Graded and wanted to bring the spirit back. I’m not bossy. I don’t boss the girls around or anything. I just make sure everything’s organized, and that we’re all on task. I make practice schedules, and I teach the girls stretches. We even come to school on Saturdays to practice. I love it. It’s the best thing I’ve done so far.

During a game, what’s the most important thing to do, as a cheerleader?

Probably smile…and keep our posture. Whether we’re winning or losing, our attitudes don’t change. We’re still going to be cheering for our teams, no matter what.