A recipe for disaster?
It started with a simple goal, to make potato salad. “I don’t even know what kind yet,” stated the “director” of the simple Kickstarter campaign, Zack “Danger” Brown. However, his simple $10 goal and what was likely a joke soon got swept into the spotlight.
Internet fame is like a firework: it’s loud, bright, flashy and will be over before you know it. In Mr. Brown’s case, the donations just kept on coming and by the time the campaign closed he had amassed almost 7,000 backers and more than $50,000.
As the pledge money started to grow so did the stretch goals of the campaign, finally amounting to what was aptly named “PotatoStock.” Last Saturday, September 27, the world was graced by the first (and hopefully not the last) PotatoStock, a day to commemorate what really matters in this life—peace, love and potato salad.

Lucas Valim sexually identifies as an Entertainment writer, he also knows when to stop a metaphor before it goes too far. After Hobbes-ing his way up The...